TogetherBeyond TogetherBeyond




作为我们 大胆前进战略, 我们专注于有意地建立深度, 信任我们的员工,培养我们包容的文化, 包括我们如何对待幸福. 

幸福是我们所能做和完成的一切的基础. We continually evaluate our wellbeing programs and benefits to best support our people – and we’re sharing stories of how these programs and tools are helping each of us individually be at our best, 所以我们可以一起做更多的事情.

在本专题中, we connected with Civil Discipline Specialist 妮基罗伊 about her experience growing her career and reconnecting with her culture as part of our 雅各布斯去! 菲律宾项目.


亚洲体育博彩平台 Go! – an employee program aimed at facilitating inter-regional and international six-month career opportunities. This early career program encourages connectivity across our business – enhancing our employee experience, 提供专业和个人发展机会,拓展全球网络.


作为一个加拿大出生的菲律宾人, I applied for the Manila office because I wanted the opportunity to work and live in the land where my parents had emigrated from before I was born (especially since I had only been to the Philippines once before as a teenager.)这也是一个尝试结构工程工作的机会, 这是我日常交通工程工作之外的事吗.


雅各布斯的 Go! program allowed me to grow both professionally and personally: I got to work on a high-rise structural engineering project and learn many aspects of structural design. I was also able to experience life in “the motherland” and got to improve my Tagalog-speaking skills through conversing and connecting with my extended family.


与我的文化根源建立联系, developing relationships with my new Philippine colleagues and traveling around the Philippines.

你还和雅各布斯在一起吗 Go!?

Some of the skills I learned while working on a structural high-rise project in Manila allowed me to continue expanding my structural engineering knowledge now that I’m back in Calgary. 除了我的交通工程项目, I have been acting as the resident structural engineer on a major $1 billion wastewater treatment plant expansion project for the last three years.


亚洲体育博彩平台 Go! is a great program to learn new skills (both 技术 and soft skills) and grow your international network within 亚洲体育博彩平台. 如果我能再来一次,我一定会的!

“雅各布斯! 是一个让我学习新技能的很棒的项目吗, 认识新朋友, 在工作和适应不同的文化环境的过程中拓展自己的视野.”



雅各布斯民事纪律专家和过去的雅各布斯Go! 参与者


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在雅各布斯,员工的福祉是我们成功的基础. 当我们每个人都健康的时候,我们的集体力量是无限的.

一个只有当我们每个人都发挥出最高能力时才能实现的世界. 我们不能做真实的自己, 完成我们的工作, 发展和成长,除非我们的理想状态得以维持. We embed wellbeing into all, so we’re able to deliver on our purpose – today and into the future.



你的动力驱动着我们,我们一起努力建设一个更美好的世界. 在雅各布, every day is an opportunity to make the world better, more connected, more sustainable. 我们一直在寻找有活力和敬业精神的人加入我们的团队. 带上你的激情,你的聪明才智和你的远见.

外部 让我们一起看看我们能创造什么样的影响