城市 & 的地方




公交导向发展(TOD)是一种着眼于公共交通站点和/或车站如何促进城市扩张的方法. Traditionally TOD has delivered an array of benefits for local economies and communities. In this paper we explore how TOD addresses some of today’s most urgent urban challenges.



当我们摆脱大流行病危机时, 世界各国政府计划大力投资公共交通首页,以刺激经济. 同时提供与运输相关的好处, 这些计划投资的一个更大、更显著的优势在于利用它们促进城市发展和增长.

TOD是一种以紧凑为中心的城市发展方法, 适于步行的住宅, 商业及/或零售区. 城市社区, it offers the best of both worlds – regional connectivity as well as accessible, small, 集成, mixed-use enclaves that enhance the 关闭-to-home advantages of the ’15-minute city’.

As cities today face numerous economic and longer-term systemic challenges, TOD can play a significant role in addressing these challenges and creating more smart, 可持续发展的, 韧性和包容性社区.

Challenge 1: Delivering more 可持续发展的 and resilient mobility solutions

silver train running on train lines embedded in grass with green space and trees in the background

许多城市以汽车系统为主. These systems take up valuable urban land and contribute to major environmental issues such as air pollution, 碳排放与城市热岛效应. 随着城市人口的增长, 这些系统变得越来越拥挤, 由于花费在交通上的时间,导致生产力下降.


  • 采用两种主要的交通系统——区域和大都市的公共交通系统,以及本地的主动交通和微交通系统.
  • Freeing up streets and parking for alternate uses such as walkways, cycleways and green spaces.
  • 为辖区内的第一英里/最后一英里出行以及难以使用公共交通的区域出行提供拼车服务.

Challenge 2 – Decarbonizing the urban environment and building resilience to climate shocks

Aerial view of busy city intersection with traffic moving in both directions

城市是气候变化的主要贡献者, consuming around 78% of the world’s energy and producing more than 60% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.[1] They are also increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate.


  • Upgrading and repurposing existing buildings and infrastructure to improve emissions performance.
  • Embracing a range of net zero initiatives to minimize carbon emissions associated with new construction.
  • Providing facilities for personal electric vehicles and electric ride分享.
  • Reducing overall energy demand per capita by supporting higher housing and population densities.


High density residential housing towers next to mass rapid transit train line in Singapore

Demand for homes — to buy or to rent — is outstripping supply in many global markets. 住房的可用性, 对于低收入家庭和越来越多的中等收入家庭来说,选择和负担能力是一个主要问题.


  • Re-zoning areas adjacent to the transit network to accommodate higher density development.
  • Enacting TOD policies and guidelines that stimulate medium- and high-density development within the precinct.
  • 将住房与步行结合起来, 组织良好的混合用途社区,可以满足日常和每周的需求,而无需求助于私家车.



Digital connectivity and smart infrastructure are reshaping the fabric of daily life - how we conduct business, 操作和管理首页, 访问服务, 参与活动,联系群众, 我们周围的地方和事物.


  • Taking a holistic, master planned approach to digital connectivity within the precinct.
  • Coordinating and leveraging data from across the precinct to re/create more connected, 富有成效的, 可持续和宜居的地方.
  • Incorporating smart infrastructure to deliver better services and improve efficiency, 包括通过移动即服务(MaaS)平台.
  • 吸引选择在TOD内定位办公室和运营的组织,以实现智能的愿景, 数字连接区.


随着我们的生活方式和与建筑环境的互动方式的改变, the TOD model must continue to evolve to ensure it can deliver the best outcomes for city occupants. There are a number of critical delivery elements that underpin future TOD success, including:

  • 确保交通规划与土地利用规划相结合, 分区法和建筑规范的变化,以确保交通首页位于可用和合适的发展用地附近. 反过来, TOD policies and guidelines must ensure that the land adjacent to stations is developed in an optimal manner.
  • 尽早建立并传达一个清晰而统一的愿景,将涉众的注意力集中在开发的预期结果上.
  • 透过订立合约及采购策略,鼓励订立合约以达致更广泛的成果,加强发展的愿景及预期成果.
  • 探索广泛的融资策略, 包括政府直接资助, 私营部门投资, 税收措施, 用户费用和收费, 土地价值获取机制, 创造灵活, 混合融资解决方案.
  • 采用营造场所的发展方式, 采用协作, 以人为本的流程来满足需求, 最前沿社区的需求和愿望.
  • 采用一种程序化的方法,在一个共同的治理框架下将区域内的各个项目联系在一起,并专注于整合和实现的效益和结果.


城市正在努力解决各种各样的问题——住房负担能力, 城市扩张, 交通拥堵, 空气和水污染, 碳排放及更多. TOD无法解决所有这些问题, 但它可以使城市在解决这些问题方面取得重大进展,同时提高城市生活的整体质量.


[1]联合国气候行动. (n.d.). 发电. 可从联合国气候行动网站获取: http://www.un.org/en/climatechange/climate-solutions/cities-pollution



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