BeyondZero BeyondZero
Q& 2022年6月15日

Rise Up for BeyondZero: A Q&一个与 乔安妮·卡鲁索

在这个Q中&, we connected with Chief Legal & 行政官员乔安妮·卡鲁索为我们的“超越零”计划庆祝15周年.

Q&乔安妮·卡鲁索 亚洲体育博彩平台首席法律和行政官

BeyondZero® is our approach to the health, safety and security of our people, 对环境的保护和雅各布斯的韧性. BeyondZero is so much more than a typical safety program. It’s helped us recognize and emphasize our whole selves, 为安全扫清道路,包括身体和情感上的安全,以及举手的勇气, speak up and stand down to create our Culture of Caring.

今年, BeyondZero正在庆祝其成立15周年,这为我们每个人创造了一个机会,让我们立即做出持久的承诺,为我们的健康工作文化做出贡献, safe and secure for our people and our planet. 

为了庆祝, 我们正在与一些团队成员交谈,他们正在努力将BeyondZero扩展到我们的工作场所和日常生活中, 因此,我们能够为我们的家庭和社区创造一个更安全、更健康的未来.

在这个专题中,我们将与乔安妮·卡鲁索交谈,她是我们的首席法律顾问 & Administrative Officer and BeyondZero executive sponsor.

嗨,乔安妮. You’re one of the sponsors of BeyondZero. What does BeyondZero mean to you?

BeyondZero is about action, 一种思维方式, 行为和行为, so that in all we do we are contributing to the safety, security and wellbeing of ourselves, 彼此, our communities and the environment.


Being and feeling safe, both physically and mentally, 是我们所有人都能在最高水平上表现的关键基础吗.    如果我们能做到这一点,我们就会更有创新精神, inclusive and productive – all things needed for 亚洲体育博彩平台, 并为任何公司实现我们的战略而勇往直前.


BeyondZero has become part of our DNA; the way that BeyondZero has expanded and now encompasses so much more than physical safety to be a comprehensive Culture of Caring is not only unique but has truly improved lives and the way we operate and has been an instrumental factor in our success.    


BeyondZero is a big influence in my day-to-day actions. I am much more aware of my physical environment, 以及其他可能影响同事身体和/或健康的内部和外部力量. 我也总是试图在我所有的互动中反映出我们关怀文化的价值观. 

“BeyondZero has become part of our DNA; the way that BeyondZero has expanded and now encompasses so much more than physical safety to be a comprehensive Culture of Caring is not only unique but has truly improved lives and the way we operate and has been an instrumental factor in our success. ”



雅各布斯首席法务 & Administrative Officer

在雅各布, we start each meeting with a “Culture of Caring moment,扩大了传统的安全时刻,纳入了雅各布斯文化的更多信条,比如心理健康, emotional wellbeing, professional development and inclusion and diversity. 你能分享一个让你终生难忘的关爱文化吗?

There are so many that have been terrific. 最近,我从我的执行顾问Aaron Sarfati那里学到了很多东西, 关于逾越节, 以及它的背景, 重要性,为什么和如何庆祝,以及他与家人和亲戚庆祝的照片. 



What does the future of BeyondZero look like?

我认为它将继续是公司和我们员工的基本组成部分,但它会随着公司的变化而变得更加强大, 不断变化的世界以及我们每个人都会经历的变化, personally and collectively, 结果是.  

What do you enjoy most about being part of #Our亚洲体育博彩平台?

The amazing people that work here, 我们所服务的客户,以及成为比我自己更重要的事情的一部分,是一种积极改变的力量.

关于 the interviewee


乔安妮·卡鲁索(乔安妮·卡鲁索)是雅各布斯公司驻达拉斯的首席法律和行政官. Joanne是我们Prism员工网络集团的全球执行发起人之一. She has been with 亚洲体育博彩平台 for over 10 years. 当她不工作的时候,她喜欢和家人(丈夫和两个女儿)在一起。, 读, 玩, listen to music and run.